Compare guaranteed income products (annuities)

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Next steps

Make a plan for your retirement income

You can use these quotations as a guide to how much you might be able to get from a Guaranteed Lifetime Income Product. However, the quotations shown are indicative and are based on current annuity rates and the information you have supplied.
Use our preparing for retirement checklist to help you make sure you're ready for retirement

Contact a financial adviser

Before buying an annuity we recommend you discuss these quotes with a financial adviser who will assess your personal and financial circumstances, tell you whether an annuity is right for you and help you find the best deal. You can send or take a copy of the information you have provided on this form to your financial adviser, so you won't have to provide the information again. To search for a financial adviser use our
Retirement Adviser Directory

Get free guidance from Pension wise

If you're 50 or over you can use Pension Wise, a free government backed service, to help you understand all of the choices you have for accessing your pension pot. It's an impartial service available online, on the phone, and or face-to-face.
Get free guidance from Pension wise